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Using the cosine rule: 13.0112367 cm

The triangle is in fact an isosceles triangle.

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Q: What is the length of the third side of a triangle when the other sides are 17 cm in length with an angle of 45 degrees between them?
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What triangle has 2 sides the same and the same length and a angle of 90 degrees?

An isosceles right angle triangle

Which triangle has an angle that measures 45 and 90 degrees?

Well, it doesn't exactly have "an angle that measures 45 and 90 degrees". It has one angle that measures 45 degrees, and another angle that measures 90 degrees. That's an isosceles right triangle. The third angle is also 45 degrees, and the length of each leg is 70.7% of the length of the hypotenuse. .

Which is a triangle with no sides the same length and an interior angle measuring 90 degrees?

This is a right triangle.

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In order to find length BC the length of AC or length of the hypotenuse must be given

What is the angle of a triangle polygon?

An angle of a triangle can have any value between 0 and 180 degrees.

What is right angle triangle and isoceles triangle?

A right angle triangle is a triangle with an angle 90 degrees. An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two or more equal angles/ length of lines. An equilateral triangle can also be an isosceles triangle.

What is the difference between right triangle and an obtuse triangle?

A right triangle is a triangle that contains a 90 degree angle, an obtuse triangle contains an angle that is from 91 degrees to 179 degrees.

What does right isosceles mean?

An isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two sides of equal length. A right triangle has an interior angle of 90 degrees. A right isosceles triangle has both characteristics. The 90 degree angle will be the angle formed by the sides of equal length.

How many degrees are in an angle in an isosceles triangle?

It depends upon the length of the sides.

How do you find the third length of a triangle with two equal sides?

All you can say is that the length of the third side will be positive and less than double the length of either of the equal sides. You need to know at least one angle. If that angle is less than 90 degrees (unless it is 60 degrees), you need to know whether it is the angle between the two equal sides or between one of them and the third. [If the angle is 60 degrees then the triangle is equilateral and the third side is the same as the other two.]

What does sin in maths mean?

sin issinusIn a triangle with a 90 degrees angle, the sinus of an angle is defined as the ratio between the lenghts of the side at the opposite of the angle, and thehypothenuse, the longest side.sin (alpha) = opposite length / hypothenuse length.

How many degrees is a obtuse triangle?

An obtuse angle is an angle measuring between 90 and 180 degrees