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day, week, hour, second, minute.

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Q: What is the level of measurement of the variable when looking at the day of the month?
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Can a expense be defined as variable cost and a fixed costs?

Some expenses are the same amount each month and some vary. Mortgage and taxes stay the same each month. Expenses that vary are electricity, gas, and food.

What is a mo in math?

m0 or m0 could refer to the initial value of a variable m. mo could be an abbreviation for month, although mon and mm are more common.

What is the formula in finding days to month?

Months have a variable number of days, so you can't get an exact answer here. Divide the number of days by 30, or by 30.5, to get an estimate of the number of months.

What is the advantage of using averages rather than individual results?

Averages allow you to see through variability. An average is a surprisingly stable but delicate figure. For instance, you could have a 3 month average of highly variable data equalling $100/mo, but you could add 10 years worth of highly variable data to the 3 months of data, and still have a result of $100/mo

Is birthday a categorical variable?

No, date of birth is an ordinal variable. Ordinal variables are similar to categorical variables except that an ordering of the values is possible. With date of birth there are obviously many possible day/month/year "categories" but they are discrete and can clearly be ordered from highest to lowest or vice versa.A categorical variable might be something like animal type. Each animal type fits into a class, but there's no intrinsic ordering of cow, sheep, pig for example.Date of birth itself is not an interval variable either. It doesn't make a lot of sense to talk about "average date of birth" for example. But of course, date of birth can be convertedto an interval variable (i.e. age) simply by subtracting it from another date (e.g. today's date).

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What level of measurement is the number of auto accidents reported in a given month?


What level of measurement is the number of accidents reported in a given month?

Ratio - because there is a meaningful zero and an equal distance between points.

What is an expense that does not change each month?

fixed expenses do not change, variable expenses do.

Which term represents budget items that change in value from month to month?

variable expenses

What are the two classifications of family expenditures?

A family's expenses can be budgeted under two main categories, fixed and variable. Fixed expenses are those such as insurance premiums which do not change from month to month, while a variable expense would be one such as an electric bill which can vary widely from month to month.

What if you have electricity as a flat rate for the month is it a fixed or variable?

Flat rate = fixed.

What of these must be budgeted based on an approximation of the previous month's expenses?

variable expenses

In managerial accounting How do you calculate variable cost?

A variable cost is a cost that is not constant. Variable costs can include the materials used in order to manufactor an item. If the costs vary from month to month when supplies are ordered, this would be a variable cost. They can be calculated by calculating the number of materials needed and then dividing by the units produced, to determine what your cost was in order to manufactor the item.

What entry level positions are open this month?

There should be many entry level positions open depending on the field you are looking at. Some suggestions include browsing through local newspaper and doing a google search online or on

What level hurricane was the unamed hurricane?

There are hundreds of unnamed hurricanes in each basin. You're going to have to be more specific with what year you are looking for and even then, what month and day was the storm active

Is utilities a variable costs?

Technically speaking, it is a Fixed cost. Although the price may vary from month to month, it will always be within a fixed range.

Is utility bill a variable cost?

Technically speaking, it is a Fixed cost. Although the price may vary from month to month, it will always be within a fixed range.