Life expectancy in Jordan is 73.5, 72.2 for males and 74.9 for females.
Mexico has a lower overall death rate than the US. Mexico's death rate is 4.9 persons per 1,000 while the US rate is 8.39 persons per 1,000. Keeping in mind that life expectancy is a better measure of the conditions of life than is the death rate. The death rate can be deceptive because it is influenced by the age structure of the population. Since Mexico has a much younger population than the US its rate would be much lower for the same life expectancy. In fact the US (about 78) has a higher life expectancy than Mexico (about 76).
75.6 equals the life expectancy of a male in the US. This is outdated information. The current life expectancy for males is approximately to 77 years.
when a life expectancy get's to a point the people of the country needs to get enough food, water, and supplies for their family or village.
Life expectancy in Jordan is 73.5, 72.2 for males and 74.9 for females.
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its fun to fill in stuff
How did the invention of canning affect the life expectancy rate
The life expectancy in the United Kingdom is 78.85.
78.92 in 2005
100 years
Life expectancy and death rate are inversely related. A higher life expectancy generally corresponds to a lower death rate, as people are living longer and surviving into older age. Conversely, a lower life expectancy indicates a higher death rate, with people likely dying earlier in life.
The life expectancy rate in Equatorial Guinea is around 64 years, according to the World Bank data.
How did the invention of canning affect the life expectancy rate