Men live on average seven years less than women; life expectancy in the United States is 72 years for men and 79 years for women.
About 146,885,000 men lived in the United States in 2008. The number is taken for the Census Bureau. Please see the related links for details.
According to estimations of the United States Census Bureau 9,446,291 men.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 31,000 men in the United States die every year from prostate cancer.
There are more than 27,000 professional men and women golfers in the United States. These golfers are trained through the PGA - the Professional Golfers' Association of America.
Women and very little men who advocated and campaigned for the right of women to vote in the United States. susan b Anthony -elizabeth cady Stanton -lucretia mott -Carrie Chapman cott and Nellie McClung
74 for a male, 80 for a female.
The average life expectancy in the United States is 78.4 years. Women tend to live 6.7 years longer than men.
The life expectancy in the United States in 1961 was around 70.2 years for women and 66.8 years for men.
In the late 1990s, 190.8 million pairs of men's shoes were imported into the United States
Men: United States Women: United States
The average life expectancy in Russia is 70.46 years. The average life expectancy in the United States is 78.74 years.
About 146,885,000 men lived in the United States in 2008. The number is taken for the Census Bureau. Please see the related links for details.
No, the united states was not established when Benjamin Franklin was born. Later in his life General George Washington decided to round up men to fight against the British and the hessians. I hope this helps.. :)
The most popular type of money sorter available for men in the United States would be the money sorter located within a bank. There are also money sorters located in stores such as Walmart that are used quite frequently by men in the United States.
The life expectancy in 1947 was around 66.8 years for men and 72.8 years for women in the United States. It varied in different countries and regions around the world.
Dwight Eisenhower
The life expectancy in 1949 was around 66.8 years for men and 72.5 years for women in the United States. These numbers have since increased due to advancements in healthcare and technology.