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Q: What is the likelihood of an even happening?
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Is the word probably a noun?

No, the word "probably" is an adverb. It is used to indicate a high likelihood or likelihood of something happening.

What do statistical odds represent?

Although statisticians usually use the likelihood or probability rather than odds, the odds of an even happening is the ratio of the likelihood that the event does occur to the likelihood that the even does not occur.Thus the probability of rolling a 6 with a single throw of a fair cubic die is 1/6 whereas the odds for rolling a six are 1:5.

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Is the best definition of probability?

the extent to which something is probable; the likelihood of something happening or being the case. the chance that something will happen the likelihood of an event occurring

What is the best definition of probability?

the extent to which something is probable; the likelihood of something happening or being the case. the chance that something will happen the likelihood of an event occurring

What is a probabilty?

Probability is the likelihood of something happening. It is the extent to which something is likely or unlikely to occur.

What is alike between experimental and theoretical probability?

They are probabilities: that is, estimates of the likelihood of an event happening.

What is a noun meaning a possibility?

The noun "chance" usually refers to a possibility or likelihood of something happening.

What happens if a circle is inscribed in a polygon?

You get a circle inside a polygon! There are no fanfares, you do not get a prize! In all likelihood, nobody will even notice!You get a circle inside a polygon! There are no fanfares, you do not get a prize! In all likelihood, nobody will even notice!You get a circle inside a polygon! There are no fanfares, you do not get a prize! In all likelihood, nobody will even notice!You get a circle inside a polygon! There are no fanfares, you do not get a prize! In all likelihood, nobody will even notice!

Punishers are best defined as?

Punishers are consequences that decrease the likelihood of a behavior occurring again in the future. They involve introducing an unpleasant stimulus or removing a pleasant one in response to a behavior, with the intention of reducing the likelihood of that behavior happening again.

How do you predict probability?

"Probability" is not something that occurs in the future. It's the numerical likelihood of something happening in the future. You don't predict the probability. You calculate it.

What is the tendency?

The tendency refers to a general inclination or leaning towards a particular behavior, action, or outcome. It often implies a pattern or likelihood of a certain occurrence happening repeatedly.