The perimeter of the printed part of the page would be 29 inches.
It has only one dimension - which is usually called its length. However, if the line segment goes from up to down on a page, its length may be referred to as its height.
read the pages in order (the answer is on page 3 if you don't want the explanation): -page one -page 2 -page three
A vertical number line is just a regular number line, except it goes down the page instead of across ^_^
The blank spaces around the edge of a page are called margins.
The blank spaces around the edge of a page are called margins.
The blank spaces around the edge of a page are called margins.
The blank spaces around the edge of a page are called margins.
The blank spaces around the edge of a page are called margins.
The blank space around the edges of a page is called the margin.
It is at the top of the page below the line where it says reproducible page.
In word processing, an orphan is the first line of a paragraph that appears as the last line of a page. While it can also be called an orphan the last line of a paragraph that appears as the first line of a page is sometimes called a widow.
The length of one side of a square is one fourth of the perimeter.
that's the title page