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The line where two region of air collides is called a weather front. They usually have different temperatures but the pressures are similar.

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Q: What is the line called where two regions of air collide?
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Two vast areas of air have different temperatures and pressures but within the regions the temperatures and pressures are similar. The line where these regions are colliding is called a(n)?

Air masses or weather front is when two regions of air are colliding and they have different temperatures and pressures are similar.

What is a cold air mass with high pressure called?

A cold air mass with high pressure is called a cold high-pressure system. These systems typically bring clear skies and dry weather as they suppress cloud formation and precipitation.

When two air masses collide the formation is called what?

When two air masses collide, the formation is called a front. Fronts can be warm, cold, stationary, or occluded, depending on the characteristics of the air masses involved.

When two air masses collide the formation called?

A front

When two air masses collide the formation is called?

A front

Regions of cold heavy air are called what?

Regions of cold heavy air are called highs. As cool air moves under warm air, the warm air is pushed upward.

When air masses collide and don't move anywhere what is it called?

Stationary Front

When two air masses collide the formation is called a .?

It makes a weather front.

When two different air masses collide forms a?

When two different air masses collide, it can form a front. The boundary between the two air masses creates a transition zone with contrasting temperatures, humidity levels, and wind patterns. This can lead to changes in weather conditions such as storms, precipitation, and temperature fluctuations.

What is the line that separates one air mass from another called?

The line that seperates one air mass from another is called a boundary.

What are the magnets that go up in the air and collide together?

They're called a lot of things, actually. You can buy them at the website below.

What are the regions called either side of the equator where air pressure is low?

The regions on either side of the equator where air pressure is low are called the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The ITCZ is a belt of low pressure that forms because of the convergence of trade winds from both hemispheres.