It can be any line whatsoever: in much art it is the line of the horizon.
Horizon line. :)
Receding line is a line that goes back to the vanishing point(VP). -.-
The term for this is Vanishing Point.
The two vanishing points are placed apart on the same horizon line (horizontal eye line of viewer). The horizon is the first line to be drawn.
it is the point in the image where all the points of view point toward infinity good answer very dictionaryish. also, this applies to all lines except vertical. If you get good you can have two vanishing points where if the line needs to be drawn to the left side of the page then u use the left vanishing point.
That line is called the horizon. It is the apparent line that separates the Earth from the sky when viewed from a specific point, such as where the vanishing point sits in perspective drawings.
Horizon line. :)
Establish a horizon line and a vanishing point
The vanishing point is the farthest point in the painting, where the sides of the line appears to be converging
orthogonal line
The answer is meridian line
vanishing point
On the horizon line
Receding line is a line that goes back to the vanishing point(VP). -.-
infinity a guide line
The term for this is Vanishing Point.
The two vanishing points are placed apart on the same horizon line (horizontal eye line of viewer). The horizon is the first line to be drawn.