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Well, on offense (the team with the ball), you have a center, who hikes the ball to the quarterback, you have two guards positioned one each next to the center, you have two tackles placed outside the two guards. Beyond this there can be many formations for the remaining 5 players (receivers, running backs, tight ends)to line up in. The rules for how they must line up are quite lengthy. On defense, again there are a multitude of ways for the players to line up. The most popular defense would probably be set up as follows: 4 down lineman, 3 linebackers, positioned approximately 2-3 yards behind the defensive lineman, two cornerbacks, lined up on the outside of the lineman to guard the receivers, and two safetys lined up approx. 4-6 yards behind the linebackers.

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Q: What is the line up in football?
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In the NFL, the ball is placed at the two yard line for the PAT. In college, the ball is placed at the three yard line for the PAT.

When hiking the football at what line is it?

Line of scrimmage.

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In association football, the ball must completely pass over the line: on is in.In American football and rugby football, any contact with the line makes the ball or player out of play: on is out.

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the line of scrimmage

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The ball is placed at the 2 yard line in the NFL and the 3 yard line in college football.

Where is football game played?

College football kicks off at the 35-yard line.

What is an offensive line in football?

The line in front of the quarter back

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defensive line

Is football goalkeeper allowed to crass the half line?

Yes the goalkeeper is allowed to cross the half line. He/she can go up for corners. I have done that against weaker teams.