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Goal line.

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Q: What is the line you must cross to score a touch down is?
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What is consider the line that the football needs to cross to score?

It's known as the goal line.

In cricket what is the crease?

the line in which the batman must cross to score a run

What is the only Olympics sport that has a finish line no competitor will ever cross?

could it be swimming? you don't cross that finishing line you just touch it.

Does the baton get counted to pass the line first?

no the person foot has to touch/cross the line first, otherwise it doesn't count.

What is an intersecting line?

An intersection is the point at which two or more lines touch or cross, therefore, lines are intersecting when they cross each-other.

If you kick a drop goal but the ball does not go over the dead ball line can you touch it down and score a legal try?

Yes, so long as you are on side (behind the goal kicker) when the ball is kicked.

What angles are needed in volleyball?

down the line and cross court

What line is the foul line in bowling?

the foul line is the line that line that seperates the actual lane that the ball slides on and the part that you walk on. if you cross that line then you get points taken off of your score.

Does the ball have to cross the entire goal line or just touch it to be a touchdown?

Any part of the ball must cross the goal line. Once any part of the ball has "broken the plane" it is a touchdown. The "whole" ball does not need to cross the line. If the ball is touching the white line, but no part of it passes the white line it is NOT a touchdown.

What is a parellal?

Well in geometry speaking terms it is a line that doesn't intersect, cross or touch the other line next to or beside it for instance: | | | | | | Thats an example

How make the cross for jesus?

+ A little like that, but have the vertical line go down some more.

What does down with the eagle and up with the cross mean?

it means to replace the Union with a Christian cross and a Christian religious country.