

What is the logarithm of 1.0?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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Zero, in logs to base 10, base e, or any base.

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10y ago

The "common" logarithm of 10 is ' 1 '.

The "natural" logarithm of 10 is 2.30258 (rounded)

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Logarithms can be taken to any base. Common logarithms are logarithms taken to base 10; it is sometimes abbreviated to lg. Natural logarithms are logarithms taken to base e (= 2.71828....); it is usually abbreviated to ln.

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3: The negative of the logarithm (base 10) of the concentration. The logarithm of 1 is 0 and the logarithm of 10-3 is -3; the logarithm of their product is the sum of their individual logarithms, -3 in this instance, and the negative of -3 is +3.

What is the base 10 logarithm called?

The base 10 logarithm is called the "common logarithm". * * * * * It is also called the 'Briggsian logarithm', named after Henry Briggs, who introduced his table of logarithms on base 10 at Oxford in 1624, much to the joy of navigators, astronomers, and others having tedious calculations to perform.

Is logarithm numbers irrational?

Usually it is, yes. Of course, in some special cases the result of taking a logarithm is rational - such as taking the base-10 logarithm of 100.

What is the difference between the common logarithm and the natural logarithm?

A logarithm is the exponent to which a number called a base is raised to become a different specific number. A common logarithm uses 10 as the base and a natural logarithm uses the number e (approximately 2.71828) as the base.