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Q: What is the loss of alveolar surface area called?
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How the surface area affects heat loss?

Heat loss of water: The surface area effects the the rate of heat loss because the rate of heat loss increases if the surface are is higher. How: The water is spread out into a bigger space meaning the

Do you get laryngitis or influenza with the loss of alveolar elasticity?

No, alveolar elasticity would not directly lead to laryngitis or influenza.

How does surface area effect heat loss?

the larger the surface area you have, to more heat that you are going to lose.

Does the diameter surface area and circumference affect the heat loss?

yes heat loss is affected by diameter, circumference and surface area. Heat loss depends on the surface area : volume ratio.......the larger this is the more heat is lost if a cylinder having the same volume but a different surface area...(therefre radius and circumference is different)........the cylinder having the larger surface area will loose heat fastest

How surface area affects heat loss?

Increasing the Surface Area increases the heat loss. You will find a nice example in the related question link below.

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many plants developed a wazy surface cuticle to reduce water loss

What affects the heat loss from objects?

colour, shape, surface area

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What is the relationship between heat loss and surface area?

Well, If the surface area is small, say 1 m2 . And the temperature is 1000C You lose only 2% of your heat. But if the surface area is big/largel, say 10 m2 . And the temperature is still 1000C You lose only 20% of your heat. So the bigger your surface area the bigger your heat loss is. Warning: It is a example, the calculation is not correct!

Has a penguin got a small area of volume ratio?

Yes, the larger the surface area to volume ration the more the heat loss is, therefore, they've got smaller surface area to volume ration.

How does the volume of a liquid affect heat loss?

The volume of a liquid affects heat loss because it determines the surface area exposed to the surrounding environment. A larger volume means a smaller surface area-to-volume ratio, resulting in slower heat loss. Conversely, a smaller volume has a larger surface area-to-volume ratio, leading to faster heat loss.

Does aging have an affect on tooth breakage and loss?

It can especially is the patients bones are becoming fragile especially their alveolar.