The lowest common denominator of any set of whole numbers is 1
You need at least two things to find something in common between them.
Form a common denominator which is usually the lowest common multiple of the denominators or, if this cannot be readily determined, use the product of the denominators. Convert one or more of the fractions into equivalent fractions having the common denominator as the new denominator. 15/16 + 17/32 = 30/32 + 17/32 = 47/32 = 115/32 as a mixed number
The lowest common denominator of any two or more whole numbers, such as 16 and 22, will always be one (1) because 'common denominator' refers to the denominators of two or more fractions or mixed numbers, not whole numbers. So, a set of whole numbers (x,x) would have to be converted to their fraction equivalents, i.e., x/1, which will always yield a denominator of 1.
lowest common denominator of 4/5 and 7/15 would be 15 4/5=12/15
The lowest common denominator of any set of whole numbers is 1
The lowest common denominator of any set of whole numbers is 1
The lowest common denominator of any set of whole numbers is 1
It is: 400 which is also the LCM
The lowest common denominator would be 48.
You need at least two things to find something in common between them.
You would find the factors of each and cancel any they have in common. But 15 and sixteen do not have common factors, therefore 15 over 16 is already in lowest terms.
The greatest common denominator is the largest number that is a multiple of the numbers and it is infinite.I think you mean either:The greatest common factor (the largest number which divides the numbers) of 12 and 16 which is 4;orThe lowest common denominator (the smallest number which is divisible by the numbers) of 12 and 16 which is 48.