126 is the Lowest Common Multiple of 18 and 42
lowest common multiple of 6 and 42 = 42
The lowest common denominator of 30 and 42 is 210.
One way to find a common multiple of any group of numbers is to multiply them all (to find the product). So one common multiple of 42 and 60 is 42x60=2520 This will not however, always give the LOWEST common multiple, which in this case is 420.
The Greatest Common Factor of 42 and 18 is 6.
126 is the Lowest Common Multiple of 18 and 42
The LCM is: 126
lowest common multiple of 6 and 42 = 42
The lowest common denominator of 30 and 42 is 210.
the lowest common multiple of 16 and 42 is 336 answer by: pat:)ricia:)and:)ulte:)
The LCM is 42.
First, find the greatest common factor (GCF). 18 factors to [2 3 3] 42 factors to [2 3 7] Common factors [2 3] GCF = 6 Now, multiply them together and divide by the GCF to get the LCM. 18 * 42 / 6 = 126 ■
The lowest common FACTOR of 7,3 and 2 is 42.
To find the lowest common multiple you must have at least two numbers.
The lowest common factor of any set of integers is 1.
672 is the Least Common Multiple of 42 and 96.It is: 672