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Q: What is the lowest emperature a labordor can be kept outside in?
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Can a labordor retreiver be kept in a crate during the day?

Any dog can be crated, as long as the crate is big enough for them. You do not want to put them in a crate that is to small where as they can not get up and turn around in.

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Salt is not kept outside the shop.

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Are pet snails ment to be kept outside?

Sometimes but not really.

What is situated immediately outside the door of the prison in which Hester is kept?

a rose bush

Are there compost bins that can be kept in the house or do they have to be kept outside?

There are certainly compost bins that can be kept in the house year round. The website "" provides composters designed for inside use.

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What are two weather devices that must be kept outside?

a wind meter and a rainfall meter

in the scarlet letter what is situated immediately outside the door of the prison in which Hester is kept?

A cemetery is situated immediately outside the door of the prison where Hester is kept in "The Scarlet Letter." It serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of sin and the harsh judgment of society.

What happens to chicken breast that as been covered by ice for 3 or 4 days and kept in a cooler?

I would not trust it. Unless the innermost meat is kept at the lowest temp, samonella can grow. Throw it out.

What temperature are the animals in factory farms kept at?

Most confined animal feeding operations (NOT factory farms) that have animals in an enclosed barn often have the barns at room temperature or a little cooler. Animals kept outside are not in a temperature-controlled environment, so they're kept according to whatever the outside temperature would be at the time.

Where are pet rabbits kept?

If you want it to live inside it can or outside, if it is outside ull need a hutch inside u need a cage i suggest inside