By finding the lowest common denominator of the fractions.
18/35 is the lowest term.
It is already in lowest terms.
In order to find the LCD when adding or subtracting fractions
Yes, fractions can be ordered from lowest to highest. It's called "ascending order."
It is already in lowest terms.
By finding the lowest common denominator of the fractions.
18/35 is the lowest term.
Finding the lowest common denominator
It means to reduce fractions to their lowest terms as for example 4/8 = 1/2 in its lowest terms
LCD is the Lowest Common Denominator which is the lowest number into which the denominators of all the fractions will each divide exactly. Each of the fractions can then be converted to an equivalent fraction with the new denominator which then allows the fractions to be added and/or subtracted.
It is already in lowest terms.
Because it is much easier to do further calculations when you have smaller fractions.
In order to find the LCD when adding or subtracting fractions