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Q: What is the lowest level of respiratory protection?
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What is the lowest level of respiratory protection that can be used in an incident involving an unknown hazardous substance?

gas mask

Level is used when nuisance contamination is present only requiring the lowest form of chemical andor respiratory protection?

Level A protection is required when the highest level of respiratory, skin, eye, and mucous membrane protection is needed due to the presence of identified vapors, gases, particulates, or liquid splash that pose a high risk. Level B protection is used when the highest respiratory protection is needed, but a lesser degree of skin protection is acceptable. Level C protection is suitable when respiratory protection is required, but skin and eye contact are unlikely.

In a CBRNE incident involving an unknown hazardous substance what is the lowest level of respiratory protection?

Atmosphere-Supplying respirators (SCBA, SAR)

Is used when nuisance contamination is present only requiring the lowest form of chemical andor respiratory protection?


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The United States Environmental Protection Agensy is really bad

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The lowest level is the cell.

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The lowest level is the Outcastes ("untouchables")

Is the respiratory rate lowest in newborn infants?

No, it's highest.

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Protection to the lungs

What does rpe stand for in building?

Respiratory Protection Equipment