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Q: What is the lowest temperature of celsius?
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What is the lowest temperature in celsius on Mercury?

0 degrees Celsius

What was the lowest temperature in Vostok?

The lowest temperature recorded in Vostok, Antarctica, was -128.6 degrees Fahrenheit (-89.2 degrees Celsius) in July 1983.

What is the lowest temperature in Celsius?

The lowest temperature possible in the universe is absolute zero, which is -273.15 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, all molecular motion ceases.

What is the lowest temperature -46 Celsius or -60 Celsius?


What is the lowest temperature theoreticallyin celsius?

-273.15 C

Lowest british recorded temperature?

-27.2 Celsius

What degree Celsius does the Celsius scale start with?

The lowest temperature (absolute zero) on the Celsius scale is -273.15°

How do you calculate temperature range below 0?

To calculate the temperature range below 0 degrees, subtract the lowest temperature from the highest temperature. For example, if the lowest temperature is -10 degrees Celsius and the highest temperature is -2 degrees Celsius, the temperature range would be 8 degrees Celsius (-2 - (-10) = 8).

What is the lowest recorded temperature of NE?

-42 degree celsius

What is lowest temperature Agra in India?

-2 degrees Celsius

What is the lowest temperature on the sun?

The lowest temperature on the surface of the sun is about 5,500 degrees Celsius (9,932 degrees Fahrenheit). However, temperatures in the sun's core, where nuclear fusion occurs, can reach over 15 million degrees Celsius (27 million degrees Fahrenheit).

Is the temperature -300 Celsius possible?

No, a temperature cannot be below absolute zero, which is at around -273.15 Celsius. Therefore, a temperature of -300 Celsius is not physically possible.