The lowest term for 114 over 342 is 1/3
One way we could solve this is to multiply 18 by 19, (342) then convert our numerators to their new denominator (342) so your problem would look like this: 114/342 + 54/342 = 168/342 which simplifies to 28/57, or twenty-eight fifty-sevenths.
2 is not divisible by 342. 342 is divisible by 2.
It would be 3.
The lowest term for 114 over 342 is 1/3
6/18 + 3/19 = 168/342 or 28/57
One way we could solve this is to multiply 18 by 19, (342) then convert our numerators to their new denominator (342) so your problem would look like this: 114/342 + 54/342 = 168/342 which simplifies to 28/57, or twenty-eight fifty-sevenths.
v = pi*r^2*h 342 = pi * 3^2 * h 342 = 9h*pi 38 = pi*h h = 38 / pi
117 / 171
266/342= Factor out a two 133/171= Factor out a Nineteen 7/9= Done
2 is not divisible by 342. 342 is divisible by 2.
The square root of 342 (342)^0.5 = 18.493242008906929350750577144363
The awnser is 342