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I'm a little rusty on my physics, but this question does not provide enough information to answer.

The strength of a gravitational field (according to Newtonian physics, at least) is a function of two interacting masses and the distance between those two interacting masses.

Newton's law of universal gravitation is:

F = G * m1 * m2 / r^2


G is the gravitational constant

m1 is the mass of the first point object

m2 is the mass of the second point object

r is the distance between the two point objects

So presuming that the SECOND point object has the same mass as the first point object (5.00kg for both), then your answer will be:

6.674 * 10^-11 * 5 * 5 / 2^2 = 4.17 * 10 ^-10 Newtons.

You will note that this shows us that gravity is an incredibly weak force - EASILY the weakest of the four fundamental forces in the universe.

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Q: What is the magnitude of the gravitational field 2.00m from a 5.00kg point mass?
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What is the law of gravitational potential energy?

Gravitational energy is the potential energy associated with gravitational force. If an object falls from one point to another point inside a gravitational field, the force of gravity will do positive work on the object, and the gravitational potential energy will decrease by the same amount.

Why is the size of a decimal number not necessarily determined by the number of decimal places notated?

Digits after (to the right of) the decimal point contribute to the accuracy of the number, not its magnitude (or size). So only the digits to the left of the decimal point contribute to the magnitude. Digits after (to the right of) the decimal point contribute to the accuracy of the number, not its magnitude (or size). So only the digits to the left of the decimal point contribute to the magnitude. Digits after (to the right of) the decimal point contribute to the accuracy of the number, not its magnitude (or size). So only the digits to the left of the decimal point contribute to the magnitude. Digits after (to the right of) the decimal point contribute to the accuracy of the number, not its magnitude (or size). So only the digits to the left of the decimal point contribute to the magnitude.

Is electric field strength scalar or vector?

The strength of the electric field is a scalar quantity. But it's the magnitude of thecomplete electric field vector.At any point in space, the electric field vector is the strength of the force, and thedirection in which it points, that would be felt by a tiny positive charge located there.

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Estimating will give an indication of the order of magnitude of the answer. The decimal point determines the order of magnitude.

What does moving a decimal point change?

The magnitude or value of the number.

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