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Q: What is the main disadvantage with cross-sectional studies?
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the disadvantage is that they could die out

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The main disadvantage of dual slope adc or integrated type adc is its long conversion time

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A disadvantage of social studies is sometimes the teacher does not teach you the truth, he/she just goes along with what is in the book. Also, he/she may say some things about personal topics that may affend people, for example something about their religion that has happened in the past.

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The main disadvantage of being a fisherman is that it is not a guaranteed all year round money earner.

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The main advantage of ac- it required less maintainance The main disadvantage of ac-it can not be stored the main advantage of dc -it required less amount of conductors to transmit and easily stored The main disadvantage of dc-it is more dangerous than ac at high voltage

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The disadvantage is the complexity of the operation and the number of hooks and cross-links that may fail.

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The main disadvantage of industries is the fact that they pollute the environment. Most industrial processes will emit pollutants into the environment.

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The main disadvantage is the enormous cost, depending on which features you require. Prices can range from about $500 upwards.

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The main disadvantage of centralization is managers are overburdened. There is also a chance of misusing the powers and lack of environmental adaptation.