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To provide the essential nutrients that we lack in our diet.

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Q: What is the main purpose of vitamins?
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What is the large intestine used for?

The main purpose is to take water back in from the digestive process. Some vitamins are also absorbed through this process.

What is the purpose of all vitamins?

Vitamins are designed to provide the proper nutrients to the body.

What are vitamins purpose in the body?

suppliment health

What is the main nuitrient found in fruits?

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Vitamin c.

One of the main functions of vitamins is to?

The answer is D

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the main purpose of the crusades was to be themselves

What was the main purpose of the Crusade?

the main purpose of the crusades was to be themselves

What are vitamin dissolves in fat?

The four main vitamins which dissolve in fat are vitamins A, D, E and K.

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What are the main foods that contain vitamins?

fruits and vegegables

What is the main purpose of newspapers?

The main purpose is to distribute news to people.