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It depends on the nature of its genome

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Q: What is the main way viruses replicate?
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Both viruses and cells are able to replicate their genetic material What is the main difference in their replication processes?

The main difference is that viruses rely on a host cell's machinery to replicate their genetic material, while cells have their own machinery to replicate their DNA. Viruses insert their genetic material into a host cell and hijack its replication machinery, whereas cells replicate their DNA through processes like DNA polymerase and cellular organelles.

Which best describes how common cold spread in the human body?

viruses replicate inside respiratory cells.

What are the two methods of viruses replication?

The only way viruses can replicate is by parasitizing living cells and using the cell's mechanisms to replicate their genetic materials and protein components.

Why are viruses intracellular?

Viruses are intracellular because they need to hijack the cellular machinery of a host cell in order to replicate and produce more virus particles. They cannot replicate on their own and rely on host cells to multiply. Once inside a cell, a virus releases its genetic material and uses the host cell's resources to replicate.

Where does Viruses can only replicate?

Inside a host cell.

What cannot replicate without donated DNA?


How are viruses spread from cell to cell?

New viruses are released after the lytic cycle. ~Gradpoint/Novanet

What are two types of virisus?

Two types of viruses are DNA viruses, which have genetic material made of DNA, and RNA viruses, which have genetic material made of RNA. DNA viruses typically replicate in the host cell's nucleus, while RNA viruses typically replicate in the host cell's cytoplasm.

What is a worm in computer viruses?

A worm is a program designed to replicate.

Why are virus not curable?

Viruses are difficult to cure because they invade host cells to replicate, making it challenging to target them without harming the host cells. Additionally, viruses can mutate quickly, leading to the development of resistance against treatments. This complexity makes it challenging to develop a universal cure for all viruses.

Which of the three main types of microbes are the smallest?

Viruses are the smallest of the three main types of microbes, which also include bacteria and fungi. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria and fungi and are considered acellular, as they cannot survive or replicate without a host cell.

Can viruses can reproduce by themselves?

No. Viruses must invade a host cell and hijack its resources to replicate itself.