The French word for zero is zero, with an accent mark on the 'e'.
0.00065 is written in word form as zero point zero zero zero six five.
One million. One zero zero zero zero zero zero.
They are both listed as the Maori word for "one."
The Maori word for kiwi is "kiwi".
The word "Kiwi" is from the Maori language.
The Maori word for house is "whare."
The Maori word for sunflower is "kลrari."
The Maori word for egg is "huna".
The Maori word for ears is "taringa".
The Maori word for passport is 'Uruwhenua'.
Kōura is the Maori word for gold. It is a noun.
The Maori word for grandchildren is mokopuna.
The Maori word for the colour red is 'whero'.
The Maori translation of the word 'unique' is 'nohinohi'.