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The density of water at 20 deg C (and at a pressure of 1 atmosphere) is 0.99820 so the mass is 250*0.99820 = 249.55 grams.

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Q: What is the mass of 250 ml of water at 20 degrees C?
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What is the density of water at 20 degrees Celsius-?

The density of water at 20 degrees Celsius is approximately 0.998 g/cm³.

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The body of water located at 20 degrees north and 90 degrees west is the Gulf of Mexico.

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The sample of water that contains the most heat energy is the 20 g sample at 10 degrees Celsius because it has double the mass of the 10 g sample. Heat energy is directly proportional to mass, so the sample with more mass will contain more heat energy.

If 150 grams of sugar is dissolved in 100cm3 water what would be the mass of the solution?

Whether all of the sugar dissolved or not, and it would be very unlikely that it would all dissolve in that small an amount of water, the total mass of the solution or mixture would be 250 grams.