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The answer depends on:

  • the units used for 2.5: millimetres, centimetres, inches, or other; and
  • the density of the substance that the marble is made of: glass, stone, other.

And since you have not bothered to share either bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

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Q: What is the mass of a marble with a diameter of 2.5?
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That depends what you want to measure: its diameter, its mass, its weight, its color, etc.

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That depends a lot what you want to measure: its diameter, surface area, volume, mass, density, color, hardness, etc.

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The catapult has more mass than the marble, as it is a larger object designed to launch the marble. The marble is smaller and has less mass than the catapult.

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In elastic collisions, the mass of the target marble is equal to the mass of the shooter marble since momentum is conserved, so the target and shooter will have the same mass. In inelastic collisions, the mass of the target marble may be greater or lesser than the mass of the shooter marble depending on the degree of energy loss during the collision.

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What is the mass of a .5 in diameter glass marble?

I don't believe there is a way to find the mass of an object knowing only the diameter of the object. If you had the volume, or some other measurements sure. the best bet would be just to weigh it, or find the volume using the principles of displacement.

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I'm pretty sure a marble has less mass

What is the mass of a regular- size marble?

The mass of a regular size marble is 1.27 grams.