

What is the mass of a pyramid?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What is the mass of a pyramid?
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What is a pyramid of mass?

a pyramid of mass is the amount of matters with in a substance and it contain about two of the previous level of a foodchain.A pyramid of mass represents the weight of food that is living in each level of a food chain

What are the environmental issues regarding the pyramid of biomass?

Pyramid of Bio mass is a three dimensional structure, which represents theBIo-mass of a particular area. Pyramid of Bio mass and environmental issues, which are very closely interlinked, that it at a glance represents the biomass of Primary , secondary , tertiary consumer and producer.

What is the mass of the Khufu Cheops pyramid?

5.9 Million tonnes

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5,0 million tons. Khufu's pyramid is estimated to be 5,9 million tons, the answer can be deduced from their relative volumes.

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The main fault for the pyramid of numbers is to equate the mass of 2 organisims for example 1g of rabbit to 1g of mouse

A nickel pyramid paper weight has square base of sides 5cm and height of 3cm what is the mass of a dozen such paper if the mass of 1cm3 of nickel is 8.9g?

First, calculate the volume of one nickel pyramid paper weight using the formula for the volume of a pyramid: (1/3) * base area * height. Then, multiply this volume by the density of nickel (8.9g/cm^3) to find the mass of one nickel pyramid paper weight. Finally, multiply this mass by 12 to find the total mass of a dozen such paper weights.

How does a biomass pyramid differ by showing each tropical level?

A biomass pyramid displays the total biomass at each trophic level in an ecosystem. In a typical pyramid, the biomass decreases as you move up the trophic levels, with primary producers at the base having the most biomass. In a tropical ecosystem, the biomass pyramid may be inverted due to high turnover rates and rapid growth and reproduction of organisms, leading to a larger biomass of consumers compared to producers.

The total mass of living tissue at each trophic level can be shown bY?

A pyramid of biomass or a pyramid of energy can show the total mass of living tissue at each trophic level. These pyramids illustrate the decreasing amount of biomass or energy available as you move up the food chain, with producers at the base and top-level consumers at the top.

What type of structure is the Great Pyramid of Giza. I know that it's a manufactured structure but is it a frame or mass or what structure?

Mass i believe but I'm having the same issues!

What is the conical mass of tissue within the renal medulla?

The conical mass of tissue within the renal medulla is called the renal pyramid. This structure is involved in the production of urine and contains the nephrons, which are the functional units of the kidney responsible for filtering blood and producing urine.

How is a pyramid of energy different from a puramid of biomass?

A pyramid of energy shows the flow of energy through different trophic levels, with energy decreasing as it moves up the pyramid due to inefficiencies in energy transfer. A pyramid of biomass, on the other hand, represents the total mass of organisms at each trophic level, showcasing the amount of living material present.