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Q: What is the mathematical term for a 3D shape?
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What does the mathematical term diagonal mean?

the mathematical term meaning the line between 2 corners of a 2D or 3D shape. example: a hexagon has nine diagonals

What is mathematical name for 3D egg shape?

I would call it an elliptical spheroid, I think. An ellipse would be the closest 2D term though.

What is the mathematical term for a 3D oblong?

A Rugby ball

Is an arch a mathematical shape?

No shape is mathematical really unless it has been created by a mathematical formula, but is certainly a geometric shape. But anything which is a 2D or 3D shape is geometric. My improvement: A catenary curve from a mathematical equation such as cosh x, is a mathematical and natural shape. Maby each other arch can be approximated by a mathematical formula.

Mathematical 3D name for a 50 pence piece?

The geometic term for the shape of a 50 Pence coin is a "Heptagon".

What is the mathematical term for a donut?

2 consecutive circles ============= As a solid geometric figure, a doughnut shape is called a torus.

Can a diamond be a 3D shape?

Yes but the correct term is octohedron

What is the mathematical term for the shape of a wedge?

The term prism describes the shape of a wedge. It looks like a triangle on the two ends.

18 sided 3d shape?

An 18 sided shape is called a octadecagon. This refers to both 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional shapes in a mathematical sense.

What is the mathematical second name of a 3D shape with a curve?

There is no specific name. There are spheres, ellipsoids, paraboloids, etc. Then there are 3-d cycloids,

What is geometrical symmetry?

Geometrical symmetry is a mathematical term for a shape that, if torn in half, can be mirrored and restored to the shape again.

What is a shape that is mathematical?

Any shape is mathematical.