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Q: What is the mathenatical formula for calculating average acceleration?
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What is mathematical formula for calculating acceleration?

Acceleration=Speed1-speed2/Distance traveled

What is the Formula for calculating net acceleration?

Net acceleration = (change in velocity) divided by (time for the change)

What does the vi mean in the acceleration formula?

The "vi" in the acceleration formula typically stands for initial velocity. It represents the velocity of an object at the beginning of a certain time period when calculating acceleration.

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Based on what information? A commonly used formula is force = mass x acceleration.

What is the formula in calculating time acceleration final velocity and initial velocity?

There are different formulae for calculating these variables which depend on what information is available.

What is the formula in soling force?

The formula for calculating force in physics is: Force (F) = mass (m) x acceleration (a). This formula is used to determine the force required to move an object with a certain mass at a specific acceleration.

Average acceleration formula?

Average Acceleration = V/t = Vf-Vi / Tf-Ti

What is the formula for calculating average velocity?

Divide distance by time.

What is the formula of calculating weight?

Weight of a body is calculated by using the formula, W= m.g .where m is the mass of the body andg is acceleration due to gravity.

What is the formula for calculating weight on the moon?

Mass times acceleration due to the moon's gravity. The latter is 1.622 m/s2.

What's the formula of calculating weight?

The answer depends on what information is provided. One possible answer isweight = mass * acceleration due to gravity.

Formula for calculating mass?

The formula for calculating mass is mass = density x volume. This formula relates the mass of an object to its density (amount of matter in a given volume) and volume (amount of space an object occupies).