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Q: What is the matrix composed of in elastic cartillage?
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Which fibers are seen in embedded in the matrix of connective tissue?

The matrix of connective tissue is composed of collagen, reticular, and elastic fibers embedded in ground substance (typically composed of water with stabilizing proteins). The fibers are made by fibroblasts and the most abundant in the body is collagen, while the least abundant is elastic.

What is the makeup of the matrix in connective tissue?

The matrix consist of fibers and ground substances that determines the character of the matrix, which in turn difines the kind of connective tissue.

Who composed the music for the matrix?

Don Davis

How do you implement Hadamard matrix in c?

A Hadamard Matrix is a square matrix composed of 1 or -1. Using a square matrix system the hadamard matrix could be created

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What are some protein fibres in the cellular matrix?

Collagen fibres, reticular fibres, and elastic fibres and protein fibres found in the cellular matrix.

What protein fibers are bone matrix composed of?


What is the matrix of cartilage?

It is composed primarily of hyaluronic acid.

What makes up the organic and inorganic portions of matrix?

The two major components of the matrix are ground substances and fibers. Fibers can be broken into the classes; collagen, elastic and reticular fibers.

What are the propities of chobham armor?

Although the construction details of the Chobham Common armour remain a secret, it has been described as being composed of ceramic tiles encased within a metal matrix and bonded to a backing plate and several elastic layers.

The protein fibers of the bone matrix are composed of?

The protein fibers of the bone matrix are mainly composed of collagen, which provides strength and flexibility to bones. These fibers are embedded in a mineralized matrix made of calcium and phosphate crystals, which contribute to the hardness and rigidity of bones.