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I'm going to assume you mean F(x) = -2x2 + 10x + 6 as -2x plus 10x = 8x...

First differentiate -2x2 + 10x + 6:

dy/dx = -4x + 10

Set dy/dx = 0:

-4x + 10 = 0

Find x:

10 = 4x

2.5 = x

Find y at x =2.5:

y = -2(2.5)2 + 10(2.5) + 6 = -12.5 + 25 +6 = 18.5

So max or min is at (2.5, 18.5)

To find out whether it is max or min differentiate twice:

d2y/dx2 = -4

If its negative, point will be a maximum

If its positive, point will be a minimum.

In this case, a maximum occurs at (2.5, 18.5).

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Q: What is the max or min Fx equals -2x plus 10x plus 6?
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