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You have to know how long it takes to get to 90 mph to solve this. Speed = acceleration x time

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Q: What is the maximum acceleration of a train with a maximum speed of 90 miles per hour?
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What is the maximum acceleration of a train travelling at 90 miles per hour?

The speed or velocity of a train has no bearing on its acceleration.

A train initially stationary has a constant acceleration of 0.5 Miles per second what is the speed after fifteen seconds?

After 15 seconds, the train's speed would be 7.5 miles per second. This can be calculated by multiplying the acceleration (0.5 miles per second) by the time (15 seconds).

How long does it take to travel 210 miles by train?

Depends on speed, stops, acceleration, and loading times

Compare the tension of a train with constant speed and acceleration?

Unless the train is in a curve, you cannot have constant speed and constant acceleration. You either have constant speed and zero acceleration, or you have changing speed and constant acceleration. Please restate the question.

Maximum speed of a bullet train?

the maximum speed for a train is the maglev in japan 581 km/h

What is the maximum speed of a TGV train?

The maximum speed reached by the TGV was set in a record for the fasted wheeled train as 357.2 mph. TGV stands for Train a Grande Vitesse, meaning high-speed train in french.

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Is stepping on the brakes of a moving train an example of acceleration?

No, stepping on the brakes of a moving train is an example of deceleration, as it is the action of slowing down or reducing the speed of the train. Acceleration refers to an increase in speed or velocity.

What is the maximum speed of a train?

The maximum speed of a Maglev (magnetic levitation) train on a test track in japan was 581km/h. In Shanghai, a Maglev train routinely runs to the airport at 431km/h.

Is the acela train a bullet train?

No. The high speed Acela train has a maximum speed or 150 mph on sections between New York City and Boston, MA, with a section in NJ with a maximum speed of 135mph. For all other areas, its maximum speed is no higher than 125mph. While there are improvements authorized by the government to increase its speed, it is not generally referred to as a bullet train.

A train traveled 144.9 miles in 4.2 hours what was its average speed in miles per hour?

The train's average speed was 34.5 miles per hour.