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The maximum area is obtained when the Fencing enclosing a circular area. Beyond that I cannot help since I do not fully understand your question.

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Q: What is the maximum area if you 400y of fencing?
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If you have 400ft of fencing and you want the fencing to be a rectangle area what dimensions in order to enclose the maximum possible area?

100 x 100

Corinda has 400 feet of fencing to make a play area She wants the fenced area to be rectangular What dimensions should she use in order to enclose the maximum possible area?

I got no clue.

How many acres can you fence with 3000 feet of fencing?

The maximum area that you can enclose with 3000 feet of fencing would be a circle of radius 477.46 feet. This circle would have an area of 716197.2 square feet which is 16.442 acres. The minimum area that you can enclose is infinitesimally small - go for a very, very long and very, very narrow area.

What is the mat area called in fencing?

In the sport of fencing, the area of play is called the strip or piste. See the following:

In electric fencing what defines the target area?

The target area depends on the weapon that you are using. If you are fencing Epee, the target area is your opponent's entire body. If you are fencing Saber, the target area is your opponent's body from the waist up. If you are fencing the third and final weapon, Foil, the target area is simply your opponent's torso. This excludes their legs, arms, and head, limiting it to the chest and stomach region.

What is the area of the garden with 44 feet of fencing?

Anything up to 154.06 sq feet. The above value is attained by a circular garden. A quadrilateral garden has a maximum area of 121 sq feet but the minimum is as close to zero as you wish.

How much fencing for 60 acres?

If the acreage is a square, you'll need 6,467 feet of fencing to enclose the area.

How many feet of fencing would it take to fence in 2 acres?

If the shape of the area is a square, it would take 1,181 feet of fencing for the perimeter. If the area is a circle, you will need 1,046 feet of fencing.

How much fencing would it take to fence 3 acres of land?

Depends on the shape of the area (see the answer to the same question relating to 2 acres). If the area was an infinitely thin strip, the length of fencing would be infinite. For a circular area, the least amount of fencing would be needed.

Aluminum Fencing?

form_title= Aluminum Fencing form_header= Keep out unwanted guests with aluminum fencing around your home! How big is the area around your home?*= _ [50] Where do you want the fencing?*= _ [50] How tall do you want the fence?*= _ [50]

What is the equation for fencing?

Number of fencing panels required = Roundup(Length of fencing required/Panel length) There is no information in the question about the area to be fenced, so there is no simple formula to calculate the length of fencing required. It is assumed that the fencing panels used are all of the same length.

What is the greatest rectangular area you can completely enclose with 100 feet of fencing?

625 square feet.. the area would be a square rectangle with 25 feet of fencing on each side.