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Q: What is the maximum bottom time for a dive to 100 feet?
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What is maximum allow bottom time according to recereation dive planner?

Of course it depends on the depth, but the maximum is 219 minutes at 10.5 meters.

The Nautile, a French submarine, can dive to a depth of 20,000 feet. It takes 20 hours to dive to the maximum depth at the speed of x feet per hour. How fast must the Nautile dive to reach the maximum depth?

This is a speed related question!!! Speed = distance / time Hence speed = 20,000 ft/ 20 hrs. speed = 1000 ft/hr

You dive to 17 meters for 23 minutes. after a 30 minutes surface interval you plan to dive to 16 meters using the Recreational Diving Plan what is the maximum allowable time for the second dive?

According to NAUI's dive tables: 25 Minutes 17 Meters for 23 minutes: Group E 30 Minutes at surface: Still Group E (Would need 55 minutes to go to D) 25 Minutes is your adjusted maximum dive time for up to 18 meters.

How deep can beluga whales dive?

They feed at depths of around 1000 feet in the sea bed. But, they can dive atleast twice this depth. A typical dive lasts 3 to 5 mins. But, they can submerge upto 20 minutes at a time.

How do you get to the bottle in lake hylia on ocarina of time?

Do the Zora diving game. Win it. The you will get the Silver Scale that allows you to dive deeper. It allows you to dive for 6 seconds. That will allow you enough time to dove to the bottom of Lake Hylia to get the bottle.

Why can't you and your buddy share a dive computer?

-because dive computers track your dive profile precisely and small differences of even a metre/few feet can affect time limits. -dive computers also track changing nitrogen levels between dives also

What limits should be established prior to every scuba dive?

Depending on how deep you dive, the maximum amount of time for the planned deepness of the next should be worked out well in advance, to account for the reduction of nitrogen levels.

How frequently is it safe to scuba dive?

If you're a certified diver, you should have a dive table to figure out how many dives you can make safely within a certain time frame. There are several factors to consider: Depth of dives, length of dives, time between each dive, conditions, health, whether you'll be flying before or after the dives.If you don't have a table and are still not sure, any dive center should be able to help you calculate the maximum dives for a given time frame.AdditionWhile you should never be aggressive in your diving, it is well documented that you become less susceptible to decompression sickness the more you dive over time.

What is the minimum surface interval for a dive that is 70 feet for 29 minutes followed by a dive that is 50 feet for 39 minutes?

There is no minimum interval. A dive directly from 70 fsw for 29 minuts can immediately be followed to a dive to 50 fsw for 39 mins, and would be classed as a "Combined Dive" To calculate decompression from this Combined Dive, is by taking the depest depth, (70 fsw), and total time (68 mins), and decompress on an appropriate table. Using the USN repetitive dive times, this varies on the residual nitrogen remaining in solution.

What is the height above sea level of Hoover dam?

The maximum depth of Lake Mead at Hoover Dam is nominally 500 feet when Lake Mead is filled to maximum pool elevation, based on the design of the dam. However, there has been extensive sedimentation throughout Lake Mead, and sediment now reaches depths of almost 100 feet at the bottom of Lake Mead near Hoover Dam. The current result is a maximum depth of about 400 feet when Lake Mead is at full pool elevation, and that maximum depth will continue to diminish over time.

How fast does a diver travel during a one hundred eighteen foot dive and how long does the dive take?

This sounds like someone's homework! First of all, the maximum speed is given with the equation: v2 = 2as a is acceleration (32 feet per second per second) s is distance (118) v2 = 2 x 32 x 118 v2 = 7,552 v = 86.9 feet per second The time is obtained from the equation: v = at 86.9 = 32 x t t = 86.9/32 t = 2.72 seconds

What is it called when two people dive at the same time?

when 2 people dive at the same time, it is called syncronized diving.