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Q: What is the maximum difference between the two consecutive prime numbers between 1 and 100?
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What is the greatest difference between two consecutive prime numbers less than 100?

The maximum difference is 8, between 89 and 97.

What is the difference between the two odd numbers right after 20?

The difference is 2. (23 - 21 = 2).If we are talking about two odd numbers that come right after the number 20 then we mean the two consecutive odd numbers after 20.The difference between any consecutive odd numbers (or between any consecutive even numbers) is always 2.

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Arithmetic Sequence

What is the consecutive numbers in mathematical algebra?

Consecutive numbers are whole numbers whose difference is 1.

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The different between two different odd numbers are always an even number

Tom picks 11 distinct numbers from 1 to 20 Prove that amongst the numbers selected are two whose difference is 10?

Use a direct proof; Suppose Tom minimises the largest difference between two numbers. For this to be true, Tom must pick consecutive numbers. If Tom picks 10 consecutive numbers the maximum difference must be 9. Given that tom picks one more number, there must be two numbers who differ by 10 for all selections.

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The first two consecutive prime numbers that have a difference of 20 are the numbers 887 and 907.