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Q: What is the maximum duration of interval between the two sessions of parliament?
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Related questions

How much should be the maximum duration between 2 sessions of parliament?

Sessions of parliament are subject to the legislation of the country concerned. Often between 4 and 7 years in most democratic countries.

What is intermission?

An intermission or interval is a break between two performances or sessions/events

What is the maximum period between two sessions of a parliament?

Six Months

What is difference between QRS duration and QRS interval?

Nothing, they are equivalent.

What is the maximum duration of interval between the two seeion of parrliament?

six month

What is the maximum period in between 2 sessions of parliament?

The max period between 2 sessions is 120 days. This is to ensure that the parliament meeets thrice a year. Logic is 120x 3=360 days, one year

What is the period between two successive events called?

The period between two successive events is called an interval. It represents the time duration between the start of one event and the start of the next event.

What is the difference between any two numbers on a scale?

interval interval

The interval between two occurrences is?

The interval between two occurences is TIME.

What is an augmented interval?

Generally, augmentation means to enlarge. In music theory, augmentation can be applied both to note values (time/duration) and to intervals (pitch relationship between to pitches). When you augment a note value you increase the duration of the note (the time you hold the note) over its previous value. Augmenting an interval is the process of increasing an interval by exactly one chromatic semitone (raise the interval a 1/2 step). In chord theory, an Augmented chord always means you are raising the 5th by a 1/2 step. Technically, you can augment any interval (unisons, seconds, thirds, etc.), but in practical terms, augmented intervals are reserved for the perfect intervals of 4ths and 5ths.

What is the definition of interval?

An interval is the distance between two notes.Example: The interval between C and C-sharp is a half step.The interval between C and D is a whole step!Another Times T2 crossword answer to 14d... entre'acte

The time gap between two sessions of parliament of India should no exceed?

The time gap between the last day of the previous session and the first day of the next session should not be more than six months.