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Q: What is the maximum number of electron in an atom with n equals 5 and Ms plus 0.5?
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The second electron shell of an atom can hold a maximum of?

The second electron shell of an atom can hold a maximum of 8 electrons.

How many electron are present in fourth principle quantum number of an atom?

Maximum of 32 electrons.

What is the maximum number of electrons in the l- orbit of an atom?

Iodine has 7 valence electrons. I- contains 8 valence electron.

What is the maximum number of electron shells in an atom?

The maximum number of electron shells in an atom is seven. Each shell can hold a certain number of electrons determined by the formula 2n^2, where n represents the shell number (1, 2, 3, ...).

How an atom valence electrons configuration determine its place on the periodic table?

the valence electron number equals the group number. the principal energy level equals the period number it's located in.

Which part of an atom determines its position as a element on the periodic table?

The number of protons in an atom's nucleus determines its position as an element on the periodic table. This number is known as the element's atomic number. Each element has a unique atomic number, which corresponds to its unique position on the periodic table.

The maximum number of orbits in an atom is?

The maximum number of orbits in an atom is seven. These orbits are known as energy levels or electron shells, and electrons can occupy up to seven of them based on their energy level and distance from the nucleus.

How many electrons in an atom can have set of quantum number n equals 2?

In an atom, the number of electrons with quantum number n equals 2 is determined by the formula 2n^2. For n = 2, the maximum number of electrons is 2(2)^2 = 8.

How many electron shells an electron can have?

the no. of electron shells in an atom varies for every element in the periodic table, depending on its no. of electrons in the atom. the no. of shells of an atom of an element ca be derived through the period of the periodic table. elements in the 1st period has only 1 shell and so forth.

What equals the number of protons in an atom?

Scientists have designated electrons as having a negative charge and protons as having a positive charge. One positive proton can hold one negative electron in orbit. Thus, an atom with one proton in its nucleus normally will have one electron in orbit (and be labeled a hydrogen atom); an atom with ninety-four protons in its nucleus will normally have ninety-four electrons orbiting it (and be labeled a plutonium atom).

How many of atoms are in the 3rd shell of an atom with 4 shells?

If you are asking about the number of electrons then it would be 8. The first shell can hold a maximum number of 2 electrons. The second and third shell would have a maximum of 8 electrons each.

How can you determine the number of valence electrons in an atom?

You can determine how many valence electrons an atom has by what family the element of the atom is in. For instance, if the element is in family 8A, the number of valence electrons will be 8. Or, if the element is in family 2A, the number of valence electrons for the atom will be 2. So, whatever number family the atom is in, the number of valence electrons equals that.