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Q: What is the maximum number of polygons that the PSP graphics engine can handle per second?
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no, the sims three has good graphics, that is if your computer can handle the high graphics.

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The maximum volume a microplate reader can handle is 1000 µL. You can read about this at

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CISC chip

Is mass effect on ps2?

I don't think the PS2 can handle the graphics of the game~ So, No.

Can you upgrade your sys to handle pixel shading if you have an Intel 82845g graphics processor?

you need to check the system to see if you have an agp port, if this is the case buy a separate graphics card to handle the pixel shading 128mb minimum recommended. if you only have pci available, pci graphics cards are available but rare and come at a premium.

Why is runescape screen in pixels?

they game is pixellated because it's run through Java, and coded in it, and since you don't have to download anything to play it, the graphics cant be much of a better quality, or the java engine couldn't handle it.

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Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)

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Why is it that when i go on the internet the graphics flash?

I don't know but that happened to my computer and i switched to another internet browser It's because some combination of your browser, plugins, processor or internet connection cannot handle the graphics. Generally its because your computer can't handle the file.

What is the maximum number of copies or faxes per month that this machine can handle?

It can handle 15000 printed pages per month.