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The question is meaningless. A square is a plane figure which has "area" and not "volume" as in a sphere..

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Q: What is the maximum volume of square that can be occupied into a sphere?
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A sphere's volume is measured in cubic units, not square units.

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You will get the maximum volume in the case of a sphere. You can use the formula for the surface of a sphere to calculate the radius; from there, you can calculate the corresponding volume.Similarly, for other objects, such as a cube, the volume you get will be less.

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To calculate the atomic volume occupied by Pt, you can use the formula for the volume of a sphere, which is V = 4/3 * π * r^3. Given the atomic radius of Pt as 91.1 Å, you can substitute this value into the formula to find the atomic volume occupied by Pt.

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A sphere with a surface area of 324pi cubic inches has a volume of: 3,054 cubic inches.

HOW TO find the volume of a circle?

The area of a circle is 'pi' multiplied by the square of the circle's radius.The volume of a circle is zero.The volume of a sphere is (4/3 pi) multiplied by the cube of the sphere's radius.

What is the space occupied of a 20cm in diameter metal ball?

Volume of a sphere = 4/3*pi*radius3 Volume (space occupied) = 4/3*pi*103 = 4188.790205 or 4189 cubic cm to 4 sig fig

What is a A sphere whose volume in cubic centimeters is 400?

A sphere with this volume has a diameter of 9.1416 cm, a surface area of 262.54 square cm and a circumference of 28.719 cm.

What is the surface are and volume of a 9.5 feet sphere?

A sphere having a diameter of 9.5 feet has a surface area of 283.53 square feet and a volume of 448.92 cubic feet.