arithmetic mean is the average (175+235) / 2 = 205
Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers, we get : CXLI in roman numerals is written as : 141 where C=100, XL=40 and I=1.
Geometric mean of 175 and 7 is 35. Look at link: "Calculation of the geometric mean of two numbers".
It was made in a foreign country
arithmetic mean is the average (175+235) / 2 = 205
The number directly in the middle of 175 and 250 is (175 + 250)/2 = 212.5
Converting between Arabic and Roman Numbers, we get : CXLI in roman numerals is written as : 141 where C=100, XL=40 and I=1.
Geometric mean of 175 and 7 is 35. Look at link: "Calculation of the geometric mean of two numbers".
The GCF is 175.
Very smart.
It was made in a foreign country
the answer is 175.
255= (175 + 335)/2= 510/2= 255