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141 + 128 = 269 + 157 = 426

426 divided by 3 = X

X= 142

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Q: What is the mean of the scores from her first three games are 141 128 and 157?
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What is the statistical difference between a mean and a median?

Mean and median are two of the measures of central tendency. They are numbers that give you information about a group of scores. This is important, because you can't very well go around reciting all the scores of a given sample whenever you need to look at or use the sample. The mean is another term for simple average. You add up all the individual scores, and then divide the sum by the number of scores. If your scores are:1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 14, and 90 then you take their sum, 124, and divide it by 7, the number of scores. You get 17.71, the mean. The mean takes into account the value of every single score. This means that the value of every single score "pulls" the mean toward itself. If any value changes, the mean changes. The median is the score that divides the collection of scores in such a way that half the scores are smaller, and half the scores are larger. Using the same scores above, (they have to be in order) you see that 6, the middle score, divides the group of scores in this way. Three scores are lower, and three are higher. So 6 is the median score. When you have an even number of scores, go half-way between the two middle-most scores. You can see that you could change the actual values of the scores in any number of ways, and still have the same median. This may seem odd, but there may be times when you want your 'estimate' of the population value to be "higher than correct" no more often than it is "lower than correct".

Bob's scores on his first 4 history tests were 55 85 58 and 77 To the nearest whole number what is the mean of these scores?

(55+85+58+77) / 4 = 69

What is the trick for calculating mean. I mean some decent trick to make me do it in my head?

You add the scores together and then divide by the number of scores. So if you rolled a dice and your scores were, 3, 5, 2, and 6 You would add these together, getting 16, and then you would divide this by 4 (because you have 4 scores) and so your mean would be 4 (16/4=4) sum of scores / number of scores = mean. Hope this helps.

How do you find the mean of 28?

that is an impossible question unless you say the numbers you add it all to.Example: Brandy got the test scores of 91, 93, and 92. What is the mean of her test scores?So first add all the numbers, 91+93+92=276There were 3 test scores so divide the answer by 3.276 divided by 3=92!thats how u do it!

Assume that aset of test scores is normally distributed with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 20 use the 68-95-99?

68% of the scores are within 1 standard deviation of the mean -80, 120 95% of the scores are within 2 standard deviations of the mean -60, 140 99.7% of the scores are within 3 standard deviations of the mean -40, 180

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Which of three three measures of central tendency is most affected by extreme scores?

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What is the statistical difference between a mean and a median?

Mean and median are two of the measures of central tendency. They are numbers that give you information about a group of scores. This is important, because you can't very well go around reciting all the scores of a given sample whenever you need to look at or use the sample. The mean is another term for simple average. You add up all the individual scores, and then divide the sum by the number of scores. If your scores are:1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 14, and 90 then you take their sum, 124, and divide it by 7, the number of scores. You get 17.71, the mean. The mean takes into account the value of every single score. This means that the value of every single score "pulls" the mean toward itself. If any value changes, the mean changes. The median is the score that divides the collection of scores in such a way that half the scores are smaller, and half the scores are larger. Using the same scores above, (they have to be in order) you see that 6, the middle score, divides the group of scores in this way. Three scores are lower, and three are higher. So 6 is the median score. When you have an even number of scores, go half-way between the two middle-most scores. You can see that you could change the actual values of the scores in any number of ways, and still have the same median. This may seem odd, but there may be times when you want your 'estimate' of the population value to be "higher than correct" no more often than it is "lower than correct".

Bob's scores on his first 4 history tests were 55 85 58 and 77 To the nearest whole number what is the mean of these scores?

(55+85+58+77) / 4 = 69

Adding all the scores and dividing that total by the number of scores?

Adding all the scores and dividing by the number of scores yields the mean or average.

What are the first three worlds of the constitution?

first.. I think you mean "words" "We The People" are the first three words

What is the trick for calculating mean. I mean some decent trick to make me do it in my head?

You add the scores together and then divide by the number of scores. So if you rolled a dice and your scores were, 3, 5, 2, and 6 You would add these together, getting 16, and then you would divide this by 4 (because you have 4 scores) and so your mean would be 4 (16/4=4) sum of scores / number of scores = mean. Hope this helps.