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f@ck u all good bye aka idk betches go ask ur grandmother she was probably there when the shet happened

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Q: What is the meaning of ''I would rather die a thousand deaths''?
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Did Ulysses S. Grant say ''I would rather die a thousand deaths than surrender?

No he did not Robert E. Lee was the one who said when he had to surrender to Ulysses S. Grant

What did general lee mean when he said there is nothing left for you to do but to go and see general grant and you would rather die a thousand deaths?

he meant he wanted to have sex with general grant

Who said you would rather die a thousand deaths?

Robert E. Lee said......."I would rather die a thousand deaths" please ask for more answers about the following. 1.)battle of Gettysburg 2.)Gettysburg address 3.)Annaconda Plan 4.)Battle of Vicksburg 5.)Total War 6.)Appomattox Court House These are the answers to all your questions if you have any about them please type ? after typing your question or i will not respond

How is the battle of appomattox remembered?

A defiant last charge by a Confederate brigade under John B. Gordon, which eventually ran out of steam. Lee's colleagues told him he would have to surrender to U.S.Grant. He said "I would rather die a thousand deaths."

Who said I would rather die a thousand deaths?

Robert E. Lee, when he had to surrender the Civil War to Ulysses S. Grant, April 9 , 1865. --- It was from a quote by Robert E. Lee in his final battle leading a Confederate Army. Told that there was no way to fight their way out of Appomattox, he reportedly said, "Then there is nothing left for me to do but to go and see General Grant and I would rather die a thousand deaths." Shortly thereafter, he wrote to Grant and the two met at a nearby residence, where Lee surrendered his forces. This marked the effective end of the US Civil War.

The prefix meaning x 1000?

The prefix meaning x 1000 is "kilo-".

How many horses died in the civil war?

Horses were a common death in the Civil War because officers would ride them and when a enemy fired they would aim for the horse because the horse was giving support to the officer so there were alot of horse deaths. Union horse deaths: 32,600 Confederate horse deaths: 45,798

55k in dollars how much is it?

K is the abbreviation for the prefix Kilo, meaning thousand. 55k would then mean 55 thousand, or 55,000 dollars, if applied to money.

What is the definition of nex superne?

Death from above

If albert Einstein loved ice cream would he rather have one kilogram or ten thousand milligram of rocky road express both in grams?

i will rather have 10,000 mg of rocky road

What is the meaning of the 9 in 9817?

Unless it's a code, 9817 would read as nine thousand, eight hundred, and seventeen.

How do you spell 2002 in words?

The number value 2002 meaning 2,002 can be "two thousand two" or "two thousand and two." The year 2002 is commonly stated as both "two thousand two" and "twenty oh two."