key strokes per hour
The square of 6000 is 3,600,000. You should use your calculator for such simple sums. It is far quicker and involves fewer key depressions than posting the question on WA. And you can never be sure that the person who answered did not make a mistake? Or was not messing about?
It means, if you type on the keyboard, you should be able to flawlessly press a key about every half a second for a prolonged time. Which is not much, btw, a good typist can type about 5 times faster.
Insert Key in ignition & turn to AUX (play radio)...depress & hold trip odometer button while turning Key to OFF. Release trip odometer button. Turn key to AUX and see that Fahrenheit has changed to Celsius or vice versa
key strokes per hour
key strokes per hour
6000 keys per hour means 6000/60 = 100 keys per minute approximate ker per word =5 100/5 = 20 therefore 6000 keys depression means you have to type accurately 20wpm\
20 wpm
First you depress the "shift key", then depress the number 2 key.
I depress the 'escape' key, but I am still here. Please depress the surface of the balloon until it pops.
Flip the key open. There is a tab, depress it with a paper clip to remove the key. A screwdriver can be used to pry the case open to access the battery.
Depressing keys on a keyboard will usually involve removing the key with a small implement. The area underneath will then need to be cleaned and the key replaced.
turn the key to the on position, depress the brake pedal and select neutral
Try turning the key to "on" position without starting engine and depress the accelerator pedal to the floor 6 times . On a 2006 you only need to depress 3 times.