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Slanting. A slash (/) is oblique

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Q: What is the meaning of Oblique?
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What is oblique rectangular meaning?

oblique rectangular

What is the medical term meaning slanted or at an angle?

Oblique means slanted or at an angle.

What is the Igbo meaning for the word Oblique?

In Igbo, "Oblique" can be translated to "Aghụghọ."

What is the opposing muscle of the external oblique?

internal oblique opposes the external oblique

What is a picture of an oblique line?

Oblique lines:

What is does oblique mean?

Oblique means at an angle.

What is the difference between Oblique and obtuse?

One meaning of oblique - there are other definitions, in grammar, physiology and geometrical - is indirect or misleading. Thus you might say a politician gave oblique answers to questions in an interview. Obtuse also has meanings in geometry, though a common meaning refers to a person who lacks sharpness of intellect, is not clear in expression or thought. There is also the sense in which a person might be deliberately obtuse in order to annoy or mislead.

What runs deep to the external oblique?

The inguinal ligament runs deep to the external oblique muscle.

What is the difference between oblique and a oblique triangle?

One's a triangle.

When was A Little Oblique created?

A Little Oblique was created in 2004.

What is the Ipsilateral antagonist of right inferior oblique ocular muscle?

The ipsilateral antagonist of the right inferior oblique muscle is the right superior oblique muscle. The superior oblique muscle acts to depress and abduct the eye, while the inferior oblique muscle acts to elevate and abduct the eye.

What is the difference between high oblique and low oblique?

High oblique photography is taken from a high angle, capturing a more oblique view of the Earth's surface, while low oblique photography is taken from a lower angle, showing less of the horizon. High oblique images typically include more of the Earth's surface, including the horizon, while low oblique images focus more on the objects or terrain in the foreground.