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Q: What is the meaning of consecutive shifts?
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What is the meaning of a consecutive composite number?

21 and 22 are consecutive composite numbers.

What is the meaning of consecutive numbers?

Consecutive numbers are numbers which are next to each other, such as 1, 2, and 3, or 15 and 16.

What is the meaning of a consecutive?

Consecutive means in a row, or in order. Consecutive integers are 1, 2, 3, 4 and sets like that. Consecutive even numbers might be 2, 4, 6. Consecutive multiples of 11 could include 33, 44, 55.

What are the first two consecutive numbers after 15?

16 and 17 are the first two consecutive WHOLE numbers. Consecutive has no meaning for the real numbers since a another can be found between any two.

Can you give me a word that has consecutive letters meaning to take for a period of time.?


If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram then consecutive angles are complementary?

Consecutive angles in a parallelogram will not be complementary. Complementary would mean the angles would add up to 90 degrees. Consecutive angles add up to 180 degrees, meaning they are supplementary.

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consecutive; one follows the other with no others in between

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What is the medical term meaning mood shifts from highs to severe lows the affect in mood energy and the ability to function?

bipolar disorder

What will happen if the red and blue shifts of planets in the world disappeared?

First of all, we don't see blue shifts, just red shifts, meaning an expanding, not contracting universe. Second of all, these red shifts come from stars in the universe, not planets in the world. What would happen if the red shifts disappeared? Well, there'd be a whole bunch of excited scientists, that's for sure, because that would mean that the universe will have gotten as big as it's going to get and is now going to start collapsing back onto itself.

What does consecutive mean in fractions?

The concept of consecutive has no meaning for fractions. This is because there are infinitely many fractions between any two fractions. And between any two of them, there are infinitely many, and so on. As a result, there cannot be any "next" fraction.