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Q: What is the meaning of if i catch you bending i saw your legs right off?
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How does a flamingos walk?

they bend their knees and you can see the falmingos legs bending.

Do Bears have knee joints on their hind legs?

Yes, because they may have a little trouble bending their hind legs if they didn't...

Why you fall you bend your legs?

Bending your legs when you fall can decrease the impact on your body by absorbing some of the force. It can also help to maintain balance and control as you land. Additionally, bending your knees allows for better shock absorption in the muscles and joints.

Is field hockey part flexibility?

Not really. You mainly use your legs/ leg muscles, for everything but mainly getting low and bending you legs.

What is the proper bending procedures?

Proper bending procedures involve maintaining good posture, using your legs to lift and bend instead of your back, and avoiding twisting while bending. It's important to keep the object close to your body when bending and to avoid sudden jerking movements. If possible, use bending aids or equipment to assist in lifting and bending tasks.

What is the meaning of the legs of a stage?

The meaning of legs on a stage is so that the stage can be higher

How do you catch a western chorus frog?

By his legs!!

A triangle has three sidesWhat are they?

It depends on what type of triangle you are dealing with, and also what you are meaning by what are they. If you are just talking in general terms 2 are legs, and one is the hypotenuse. In right triangles the hypotenuse is the side opposite the right angle, and the legs are adjacent to it.

What is the answer to this wuzzle His legs his legs his legs he his legs?

you're not right in the head.

Can you get up from the chair without bending your body or legs?

No. It is physically impossible. And don't tell me that if you read this, you didn't try it!

How do hermit crabs walk?

with their legs ok but they walk with their legs bending forward and back, which is different from other crabs as other crabs bend side to side, hope that helps

My dog's hind legs aren't bending and her legs are also shivering and i dont know if it is because she was giving her puppies too much milk?

no shes producing to many screwdrivers