The phrase 'measure up' means to compare with something else - and usually it would mean in a good way. So if someone measures up to a neighbour then they are doing well in comparison to that neighbour.
Meaning that both items that you measure have the same measure
It is one unit of measure of angles.
The question has no meaning: sq feet is a measure of area whereas feet is a measure of length.
3 beats per measure
It is an old English word meaning field.
To measure heat temperature. (thermo- meaning heat; -meter meaning measure)
The medical term meaning to measure through is "percutaneous."
Yes, and not a measure of what it weighs in kg, for example.
Meaning that both items that you measure have the same measure
The root meaning of mold is "smallest measure".
"Exo-" is a prefix that can be used to convey the meaning of "measure."
a cup
meter measure
Isometric means pertaining to equal measure.
It is a measure of how dense foam is.
A millilitre is a small measure of liquid or volume.