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Q: What is the meaning of p.p in signature?
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What does 'pp' mean by a signature?

Per procurationem (by proxy)

What does PP mean next to a signature on a letter?

In the English-speaking countries pp stands for pro persona -which is Latin and literally means for the person [of] or for and on behalf of.No, it doesn't - it stands for 'per procurationem', meaning to act as someone's proxy.

When you pp a signature do you sign your name or the person who you are signing for?

You sign your name as you can't be "on behalf of" if you sign someone elses name! But the 'pp' precedes the person you are signing for. For example: Yours sincerely Your signature pp Name of person signed for Yes, you sing your name. But the pp precedes your signature, not the name of the person you are signing on behalf of. Although not everyone agrees! See kirubakaran

Show example of pp signature?

Type your answer here... example of p.p.

What does 'PP' after a pope's name stand for?

PP is an abbreviation for 'Papa' meaning 'Pope.'

When you pp a signature without authority is it illegal?

Yes, forging a signature without authority is illegal and can be considered a criminal offense. It is important to obtain proper consent before using someone else's signature for any document or agreement.

What is the meaning of signature issues?

dear sir, What is the meaning of signature issues? thanks

What is an antonym for signature?

An antonym for "signature" is "anonymous," meaning without a signature or name.

What do the symbols pp and ff mean in written music?

in music, pp means "very soft" or "pianissimo"; ff means "very loud" or "fortissimo"

Does approval and signature have the same meaning?

Approval is a process and signature is a confirmation.

What is the meaning of sharp key signature?

A sharp key signature is one that contains sharps.

What are two occupations that match the keyword doctors?

pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp pp