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The shutdown point is the output level at which total revenue is equal to the total variable cost. Here the product price is also equal to its average variable cost.

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Q: What is the meaning of shutdown point?
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To shut down WindowsXP computers from a Windows2003 Server use the "shutdown" command. The shutdown command can be run as part of a batch script, or interactively with "shutdown -i" A good starting point is

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Shutdown -1 is not a correct command for shutting down. Open a command line... Start >> Run... >> cmd >> ENTER Then type: shutdown /h (shutdown) shutdown /r (restart) shutdown /l (log off) shutdown /? (more info on shutdown)

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to stop a cmd shutdown you type in "shutdown /a" (without quotes) shutdown /a is for windows vista and 7 if its windows xp u would use "shutdown -a" the function "/a" or "-a" means to abort a shutdown

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Take out the battery and it will shutdown.

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shutdown -m \\computername - Remote computer to shutdown/restart/abort shutdown -t xx - Set timeout for shutdown to xx seconds

How to create shortcuts for Shutdown Restart option On which by clicking only we can Shutdown or Restart our system.?

right click > New > Shortcut then type the following line: to shutdown = shutdown -s to restart = shutdown -r

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Try the man pages. In a terminal type man shutdown

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A shutdown that has been planned

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Piers Morgan Tonight - 2011 Shutdown Shutdown was released on: USA: 1 October 2013

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Yes shutdown <computer IP shutdown>

When was Shutdown - song - created?

Shutdown - song - was created in 2001.