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one-sixth of one degree

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Q: What is the meaning of ten minutes of one?
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What is the meaning of ten past one?

it means ten minutes past 1 o'clock

How much is one hour and ten minutes?

One hour ten minutes is equivalent to 70 minutes.

What time is ten to?

ten to mean that it is ten minutes to a time e.g it is ten to six meaning it is really around 5:50 i hope i helped

What is one quarter of ten minutes?

2.5 minutes or two and a half minutes.

What time is ten after one?

10 minutes past one

Crossword puzzle question 50 before two?

One ten (ten minutes past one in the afternoon, which is 50 minutes before two o'clock)

What time will it be 10 minutes after one o'clock?

one past ten

How many minutes are in one hour and ten minutes?

An hour is 60 minutes, so 60 + 10 is 70 minutes total.

How do you time 18 minutes with a ten minute sand timer and a ten minute one?

You cannot.

What decimal of one hour is ten minutes?

.166666666666666666 (repeating)

When was Ten Minutes created?

Ten Minutes was created in 1999.

How long is the movie the 10 commandts?

If you're meaning The Ten Commandments, the runtime is 220 minutes